Symposia & Events

Dec. 11, 2007

Setting a New Agenda for HIV Prevention: Breaking the Deadly E2=(MC)3 Equation in Southern Africa

On December 11, 2007, researchers from various institutions in South Africa and representatives from major foundations in the southern Africa region met in Johannesburg. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the behavioural drivers and risk factors fueling the HIV epidemics of southern Africa, along with new directions for AIDS prevention interventions and greater involvement of private foundations and other partners and stake-holders in strategic HIV prevention.

Meeting Presentations

Additional Meeting Documents


Jan. 17, 2007

Evidence-Based Behavior Change HIV Prevention Approaches for Sub-Saharan Africa 

Presentation by Daniel Halperin at the Harvard University Program on AIDS (HUPA) Seminar Series.

Powerpoint presentation, video, and other materials from the talk



Dec. 17-20, 2006

African Successes in HIV Prevention: Considering the Power of Behavior-Based Approaches

This symposium brought together scientific researchers, pioneers of the Uganda behavior-based approach, religious leaders, reproductive health specialists, historians, policymakers and government leaders in Munyonyo, Uganda to discuss the latest research evidence from Africa that pertains to prevention of the sexual transmission of HIV, and related issues.

Symposium Program 

Symposium Resolutions